QMobile onto becoming a major competitor in cellular phone business in Pakistan
Saturday, October 15th, 2011 6:15:14 by Usman Khalid
QMobile onto becoming a major competitor in cellular phone business in Pakistan
QMobile entered Pakistan’s cellular phones market in 2009. The once unheard of enterprise took its first leap into the market with its touch-screen phone, E900 in 2010. Since then the company has been going places catering to the multi-dimensional industry.
The cellular communication experience has evolved over the last decade with the advent of Blackberry and iPhone to name some. Nokia and Motorola have been the market leaders since the cellular phone experience surged into the masses in late 90s.
However, the aforesaid giants have been serving every segment from less-expensive phones to Blackberry’s tuned QWERTY keyboard phones to iPhone inspired smartphones. QMobile has followed in the right footsteps and the locally brought-up company has offered a number of phones in these categories.
With the range of their E-series, they have catered to the cell-phone users who either cannot afford a more expensive communications device. The Q-series is solely developed to address the market segment that needs hard-touch full-QWERTY keyboard for communication. Then, the company has not forgotten about the users who need a full-touch screen smartphone.
Besides the aforementioned users, QMobile have pioneered a new market that had been neglected as a separate entity since the inception of the such technology, the female users. The company introduced its first one-of-a-kind phone, Q55, more commonly known as SHE to the market alongside E900. Suffice to say, the phone brought a breakthrough to the company’s sale, it was the most popular phone among the feminine demographic.
The after-sale services by QMobile have so far had a fair response from the users. Although, the cell-phones are manufactured in China, which has set a precedence of low-quality over the years, the QMobile handsets are gaining customer trust with time.
The QMobile phones are a complete and up-to-date sets of apps related to social networking from Facebook to Twitter. There are designated applications for the said website to fulfil the social networking appetite of the young generation.
Pulling off a successful cellular phone business in Pakistan, which is considered the most volatile market in brand loyalty, is a big achievement that could not have been possible without a correct and more focused marketing strategy.
Short URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=158