US think-tank urges president Obama to freeze its aid to Pakistan
Saturday, October 15th, 2011 6:49:04 by Taimoor Tariq
US think-tank urges president Obama to freeze its aid to Pakistan
Former US President, George W.Bush used the Heritage Foundation to announce foreign policy decisions during his tenure. The foundation is an influential US think-tank and has now urged president Obama to freeze its aid to Pakistan until Pakistani leaders take actions against perpetrators involved in the US Embassy attack in Kabul on September 13, 2011.
The report has advised the Obama administration to ‘condition’ the aid to Pakistan but has also warned that though the tactic could be a welcome one, it might also be insufficient.
The foundation has also demanded Obama to designate the infamous Haqqani network as a Foreign Terrorist Organisation. Failing to take those actions would certainly weaken America and would give terrorists a door way to attack the country’s interests in Afghanistan according to the report.
“Congress should investigate Pakistan’s role in fomenting the insurgency Afghanistan and the extent to which its actions were preventing the US and Nato from achieving their security objectives in the region,” the report added.
The foundation has also urged the administration to increase the amount of drone attacks in Pakistan because it feels that the recent drone attacks have struck a major blow to the Al Qaeeda leadership and has weakened their network.
In a surprising and shocking turn of events, the report has asked American government to formalise a plan ‘B” should Pakistan continue to ‘defy’ Washington.
The recent news is a surprising one indeed after all Pakistan has done in helping US in its war against terrorism. Since US’s initiation of the war on terrorism, Pakistan has suffered heavy casualties and the suicide bombings have increased to an all-time high. Despite Pakistan’s willingness to help out US in weeding out terrorists in the unstable Northern Areas, it seems that the US is still far from satisfied from Pakistan’s role in alleviating terrorism in the region.
The Heritage Foundation made a fact-sheet in which it unceremoniously called Pakistan as “the main obstacle to progress in Afghanistan” which is an uncalled for statement after all Pakistan has done for the US.
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