Deceit in the garb of democracy
Thursday, October 27th, 2011 7:46:08 by Sharjeel Ahmad
Waiting in long queues for hours outside the public offices, witnessing human body parts scattering on roads after deadly terrorist attacks, giving possessions to robbers while returning home after tough labour for the whole day, being plundered by killing
inflation and paying additional amounts in utility bills every month; a Pakistani is forced to think that is there any real implementation of the word democracy which he is familiar with more than all, but the answer is No.
There have been and there is, indeed, no democracy in Pakistan and it will be silly to hope for it in near future as we are living with sick and enslaved minds.
Day in day out, we hear alluring slogans like ‘Democracy is our faith’, ‘Democracy is the best revenge’ and many other such type of shitty words from the used-to mouths of our pseudo politicians who are so far more than successful in capturing our thoughts
and feelings.
In fact, there is no democracy in Pakistan; all is fraud, all is exploitation and all is false. Democracy means what? To me, a very simple definition should be ‘A system which treats humans as humans, nothing else. What we have is merely ‘Dramacracy’ (deceit).
But it will be wrong to blame only the politicians for all this bullshit mess, we all are also equally responsible for this. Have we ever thought that what does a vote stands for? Not at all! We are just robots programmed to vote on linguistic, ethnic, religious
and geographic lines. We are not a nation at all, but a panic crowd in which, humanity is badly lacking.
We never dare to think even for a single moment that by casting a vote in this way, we are becoming a part of the inhuman system that has nothing to do with the public welfare (the most churned-out word in Pakistan). We are such a sick people that we again
and again ‘elect’ the same rotten and crooked ruling dynasties which have been exploiting our lives, rights and resources since the very dawn of 14 August, 1947. We do not want change. Do we?
Every such politician, I say sorry to the holy word of politics as I am not doing fair with it, who raise slogans of democracy, is our hero and we are always ready to lay down our lives for him and his ‘heavenly cause’. What we get at the end of the day
is just tyranny. Despite heaps of unfulfilled promises, scattered dreams and heartened feelings; we are hell-bent to shout, sing and dance for the same corrupt leaders. When will we change? When will be become human? Perhaps, never ever!
It will be foolish to think and hope that change will erupt at the political sphere. This never has happened in history and never will happen till doomsday. Change always starts from grass root. People, the poor oppressed people plan and bring change. But
our people are insensitive. The need to be awakened as the legendry poet, Faiz Ahmad Faiz, said “ Koi tu in ko ahsas-i-zilat dila da, Koi tu in ki soi hovi dum hila da (Someone must move their still tail, someone must make them realised their plight).”
Tags: democracy, Inflation, Politicians, Vote
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