Is it the ‘change in action’ or charging the blame game in lieu of rallies?
Monday, October 31st, 2011 7:49:08 by Anita Khalid
Is it the ‘change in action’ or charging the blame game in lieu of rallies?
Rallies throughout the history are considered to have served noble causes and to bring around ground breaking revolution. These rallies were taken very seriously and lasted until their purpose did not get served, quite a few times did not matter how long
did it take. There have been rallies for even straight three weeks.
Being the predecessors of the sub continental history, there were way too many note worthy rallies that did justice to the essence of the term. The most famous that can be related to rather a little easily was the “Go Simon “rally and many other that eventually
drove the British out.
Yet another example that can be used from the Muslim society is the revolution that was brought around revolution due to the rallies that got carried after the student burnt himself due to the misery he was already in and was made furthermore unbearable
for the youngster.
The only successful and effective rally recently in Pakistan has to be the one that was for the reestablishment for the Chief Justice of the country, Iftikhar Chaudry. Perhaps the success lies in the fact that it was being demonstrated by the middle class
of the country and could not be rebutted due to the cause that was the master mind behind it.
There have been protests on load shedding, gas shortage, target killing, drone attacks and what not but at the end of the day it all goes in vain, energy and effort going waste. The obstacles and hurdles that such nonsense protest and rallies put in the
daily life of those who are dependent on each month’s income to get their life going and ends meet are the ones who suffer the most as almost always such activities are later followed by a holiday that makes even less sense than the protest or the rally itself.
The ‘rallies’ these days honestly are being used as a platform for insulting and blaming who so ever is in the opposition and can easily be called an extension of the ranting and yelling on the various political talk shows. It is no secret the way the audience
for these ‘rallies’ is collected.
However, what Imran Khan tried achieving yesterday did angle the effort towards the right direction and will have repercussions that will mark history further.
Tags: Chief Justice, Imran Khan, rallies, Sub continentShort URL: