Apple’s new Macbook Pro: Should it be bought or not?
Thursday, November 3rd, 2011 9:10:11 by Usman Khalid
Since Apple, Inc.’s new release of Macbook Pro, there have been a number of questioning eyes looking for an answer whether to purchase one or not.
Basically, the new release of the Macbook Pro line has almost the same hardware under the hood with subtle changes to the memory and hard drives. The main change is in the price tags stapled to the new machines.
The new machines have the same processor from Intel’s current generation of i-series, only the high-end specifications of the spring release are priced cheap as the low-end specifications in the fall.
The 17-inch version of the notebook however, has a revamped processor in the high-end slot with an improved GPU. Therefore, the only machine worth looking for a major change in the specs is the 17-inch Pro.
The Macbook users who wanted to change their 2-year-old notebooks should look into the new low-price versions as the pre-2010 models had Core 2 Duo and new versions have the second generation Core i7 (Quad Core) processor.
The users who purchased the spring models prior to the fall release should probably stick to their devices as both spring and fall versions work more or less the same expect for some very high-end programs and games that require a reinforced GPU.
The users, who are afraid that Apple will release a new version in the first quarter of 2012, should keep the basic dogma of electronic devices in their minds. Every e-device these days is destined to be outdated after a semester or sometimes even a trimester.
The new models of Macbook are most likely subject to the release of a new processor from Intel or a new tech innovated by Apple themselves. Otherwise there is no foreseeable reason why should Apple launch a new Pro.
As rumoured, Apple is planning on releasing a super-thin laptop next year which might fall under the umbrella of Macbook Air but if it incorporates an optical drive, the only aspect that separates Air from Pro, there are strong chances that it might be named
after the Pro family.
Until the release of a new Pro, the older-version users are recommended to upgrade to the new and economical Pro and this year’s purchasers of its spring-predecessor are advised to wait for a new edition next year.
Tags: 2010 model, air, Apple, core 2 duo, core i7, cpu, fall release, gpu, macbook, pro, ram, spring releaseShort URL: