Positivity – Seeking an opportunity in every difficulty
Thursday, November 3rd, 2011 7:42:23 by Khayyam Bokhari
Positivity – Seeking an opportunity in every difficulty
Sometimes we are able to reap the fruits of success and sometimes failures also become our destiny. Success or failure is just small points in the long line of life. If we take a particular failure to heart, we won’t be able to
come out of it and be well-prepared to face the future.
In the same way, if our success goes too much into our head, we will become over confident and will not give our best to our next endures, thinking that we cannot fail.
Generally, we tend to fail more than we succeed, and by this I don’t mean academically but in every little or big thing in life. At times it becomes very difficult, especially when we are young, to take failures in our stride.
An optimistic notion directs you towards a ‘positive track’ and that is the basic requirement for leading a happy life. Our thinking leads to our acts. If we think positively, we will act positively, and, on the other hand, if
we become influenced by the marshy feelings of pessimism, we’ll be stifled by it.
The fundamental problem with most of us is that without noticing the good traits of our personality we just mourn over our bad points and weaknesses. And those who somehow manage to have a closer look at some bright aspects, they
lack optimism.
Eventually, they also don’t succeed in discovering the ‘actual’ value of the golden chapter of their life called ‘youth’.
Sing your own song
It means evaluating and bringing to fore the good parts of your personality. Take a piece of paper and write down all the good habits and traits that you observe in yourself and which others have also appreciated.
But always be down-to-earth and realistic, as these abilities are God-given and you didn’t really do much to have them.
Now whenever you feel down, just go through the list and it will make you feel better, at least about yourself.
Don’t hesitate
Every accomplishment begins with an idea and every idea is the outcome of a thought and every thought is a dream at first.
Most of us don’t make a move because of the fear of what others say if something is not done as desired. They hesitate out of the fear of failure. You just need to get started and going. Don’t worry about what others say, what
really matters is what you want and feel.
Usually dedication is supported by the proverb that goes ‘Do or die’, but your highest degree of dedication should state, ‘Do and then die’.
You ought to be determined enough to reach your destination at any cost. Start by imagining yourself at your destination, it will make you feel high. A man who is positive will exude positive vibes to others and they will, in turn,
behave positively towards him and listen to him with a positive attitude.
Overcome failure
In every walk of life, usually we tend to compete with others. This often makes us selfish, wanting only our own happiness. But competition should push you forward and make you more devoted towards your aims and aspirations.
So instead of comparing your performance with that of others, compare it with your own past performances. Be your own competitor. If you can improve upon it, you can get what you want, but if not, even then the ball will be in
your court. You are not defeated. Challenge yourself once again, work harder and beat yourself in the next attempt. But keep in mind this tendency demands the highest level of spirit and devotion.
Find your inner strength
Don’t expect much from others but from Almighty Allah. Undue expectations hurt and when one gets hurt, it again leads to waves of depression.
Just have firm faith. Undoubtedly, this advice is very difficult to practice but ,once you stop depending too much on others, you will find your own inner strength.
Love, respect and kindness
Every action is followed by a reaction in a very same manner. If you want to be loved and respected, love and respect others.
Praise others for their achievements and goodness. Rejoice in their happiness. Enjoy it generously. And yes, don’t get jealous at all because just as rust ruins iron, similarly a man is rusted by jealousy.
Living life is a beautiful art, friends. We can and we should learn it. So let’s join in. Let us leave behind all that will ruin the beauty of life, such as pain, sorrow, grudges, depression, hatred, jealousy, selfishness and every
negative thing. Life is so beautiful! Happy living!
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