Should Abortions be a choice?

Thursday, November 10th, 2011 8:06:17 by

To me it’s an issue of personal freedom. We live in a society where we have the technology to control our own reproduction. This is an advancement over the animals who have no choice. Animals have to reproduce because of their
sexual instincts. Humans have the same instincts, but we now have birth control and abortion which allows us more control over when and how many babies we will have.

This choice gives us an advantage in that women can control when they will give birth so that they can do so at a time that is their choosing rather than by accident. It also give a woman control over how many children she
will have. This allows for babies who are planned and are more likely to turn out better because they are wanted and a woman isn’t stuck raising more kids than she can handle.

The planet is overpopulated. The population keeps growing. Overpopulation is our biggest threat to this planet and will be the issue of the 21st century. The number 1 environmental issue facing mankind is overpopulation. There’s
no point in talking about global warming, endangered species, the rainforests, acid rain, or other environmental problems without dealing with overpopulation first. And it seems logical to me that in looking for solutions to global population problems, the
place to start is to terminate unwanted pregnancies. I am therefore for making it possible for anyone who wants an abortion to be able to get one.

Abortion is also an issue of personal freedom. Who should make that choice? Should the government decide when you are going to have kids? Should religious leaders control your reproduction? Or should you decide it for yourself?
I believe that reproduction is a personal right and that it is no one’s business other than the parents to make the choice of deciding whether they want to have a baby or not, but in a case where it seems as if the pregnancy is a mistake, do the parents have
the choice to abort.

I do not beleive so, as a muslim I frimly beleive that once a life is given to a family no one has the right to take it away other than Allmighty himself. It might seem to the potential parents that they might not be ready
for such a responsiblity, but they have to be real, and understand that once they commit to the bond of marriage they are considered ready to have babies as well, no mattar what the circumstances are. Providing in terms of food, clothing and well being of
the baby is in Allah’s hands all "He" asks from us is to make our effort.

Even if you take the religious factor out of the equation, who is to say that Albert Einstien or Steve Jobs or Bill Gates were a not planned births, would thier parents have decied to abort them, would we know the world the
same way we see it today? No, certainly not, the Almighty has a plan for each individual, and how that changes the world is only connected with them and not anyone else, you and I are not Allama Iqbals or Sachin Tendulkars, their fates are connected with them.
What a world it would have been without Mr Ford who made the first car.

That is why I beleive that it abortion is not a choice.

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Posted by on Nov 10 2011. Filed under Opinion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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