Prime Minister Gillani gives Pakistan’s support to a more effective SAARC organization
Thursday, November 10th, 2011 7:47:13 by Hamza Jahangir
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani has come out and said that SAARC should be developed and rationalized into a much more effective organization in order to provide benefits to the people of the region that it aspires
to serve. Gillani was addressing the 17th SAARC summit in Addu Atoll and his speech signalled Pakistan’s intent to put its weight behind SAARC as an effective regional organization.
He paid attention to the fact that SAARC wasn’t functioning according to the promise of the organization, something that needs to be addressed. The Prime Minister addressed other leaders according to the theme of the SAARC summit
and said, “We should build on convergence, minimise divergences and most of all seek to augment complementarities for the greater good of the people of this region.”
He added that the theme “building bridges” was a reflection of the desire amongst the peoples of South Asia to strive for mutual understanding and cooperation between different countries to create mutually beneficial situations.
He also elaborated that SAARC should focus on enhancing intra-regional connectivity by 2020, a goal that has already been taken into account by the organization itself.
Paying more respect to the concept of regionalization, Gillani stated that SAARC had the potential to lead a historical transformation of the South Asian region and in doing so the organization must place people at the centre of
the process.
Pakistan’s insistence on regional connectivity and intra region cooperation resonates with their recent trade deals with India as the government of Pakistan has given India “Most favoured nation” status in terms of trade, which
is a sign of increasing economic dealing between the two countries in the hope that it will lead towards an era of peace and understanding in the South Asian regions between the two rivals.
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