World Diabetes Day urges masses to act

Monday, November 14th, 2011 8:58:55 by

World Diabetes Day (14th November) an initiative of International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and World Health Organization (WHO) urges masses to act for a more active lifestyle to increase awareness of this controllable yet exasperating disease
and its complications amongst general public across the globe.

To mark this important and significant call for awareness, the World including Pakistan observed World Diabetes Day today and tried to educate people the surprise factor this disease has; If not controlled, the diabetes takes you to death.

14th November is also an important day in history when two modern chemists Frederick Banting and Charles Best were born to discover a life saving instrument for diabetes patients “insulin” in 1922.

Recent surveys by the WHO shows an enormous amount of diabetes patients estimating more than 465 million people wide-reaching and this figure is expected to exceed more than double by 2030 while  almost 80% of diabetes patients’ deaths take place in third
world and  low-income countries.                                                                                                              

A country like Pakistan where necessities are luxuries for many also has large number of diabetes patients and need more awareness over his cure/ control.

Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said in a message on the occasion of World Diabetes Day that we all together can defeat this growing disease but just need to focus on our primary preventive measures at individual and collective level.

He said this day is being observed not for the sake of just rambling of words and speeches but to ensure the level of commitment we can show the world as one nation against diabetes. He ended his message on a note and compared the high cost of diabetes in
Pakistan and our neighbouring India while urged other countries too to take a serious look into this matter as it might get less expensive in future if the World top economies see into this growing concern for poor countries.  

Every year, World Diabetes Day promotes the different coveted topics regarding prevention of this disease. According to world medical experts, despite having a prescribed amount of insulin, walking and regular physical exercise also is a great way to manage



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