Media must focus on news follow-ups
Thursday, November 17th, 2011 1:14:56 by Fayyaz Yaseen
Media has emerged as the strongest tool to keep the governments on track and to spread political awareness in Pakistan. However, there are no two opinions about the fact that at times, it has been failed to live up to the expectations of the ordinary citizens.
For instance, dwelling upon a common phenomenon of governments actions taken on the media reports in which vows of the common people are highlighted. On the basis of these reports, the government officials usually promise to take certain measure that may
help in resolving the long standing issues. However, once these promised are made, media shifts its attention to some other issues and do not look over whether the promised actions on part of government had been taken or not.
Some people associate this phenomenon of the media’s transitional phase in which it is learning from its mistakes and through the feedback provided by the citizens. If the corrective measures are taken regularly, this can definitely help in brining improvement
in the situation. However, the factor that media is more dependent upon the sponsors rather than on the citizens’ feedback.
Usually it happens that when it comes to highlighting the vows of the citizens, the media owners also have to consider the fact that their sponsors are not hurt by it. in case there arise a conflict between the interest of the people and the interest of
the goods’ producers, media, most of the times goes for favouring the groups with stronger financial base which also extends business opportunities to it.
However, with the passage of time, the media is certainly following the popular lines. It has started to realize the fact that people have got their sense of judgments developed and now they try to have a deeper insight into the issues.
While working on the corrective measures, it must be considered that media must regularly provide follow ups on the actions promised by the governments to address the complaints of the people. If it chooses to do so, it will definitely contribute towards
the broader motive of strengthening democracy in the country.
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