Complicated Political Situation of Pakistan
Friday, November 18th, 2011 6:27:16 by Yasir Hashmi
Complicated Political Situation of Pakistan
The current political situation of Pakistan is getting complicated and interesting at the same time and the upcoming General Elections of 2013 are going present some huge challenges to all the major political forces of the country.
Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) emerged as the biggest political force of the country after the 2008 elections. However, slowly but gradually, the scenario has changed quite significantly. At the time of 2008 elections, PPP had many things going in its way.
The biggest factor of all was the fact that General Parvaiz Musharaf became immensely unpopular in the country and the people wanted to get rid of the Kings Party, Pakistan Muslim League (Q) at any cost. Being the major democratic party in the country, PPP
was the major beneficiary of the hatred for Musharaf.
The assassination of Benazir Bhutto tilted the public emotions in favour of PPP big time and on top of that, some of the other political forces could not find enough time to prepare for the elections, whereas some boycotted as they did not want to take part
in the elections under the presidency of Musharaf.
The current performance of PPP’s government has made sure that it lost its popularity in the masses and with all the corruption scandals coming up one after the other, it is highly unlikely that the people of Pakistan are going to give another chance to
PPP on the trot.
Pakistan is facing such massive challenges at the moment that it is in dire need of a strong and honest government. However, the current political scenario shows quite evidently that no political party in the country is presently in a situation to take a
decisive lead in the elections.
Almost all the major parties in the assembly are enjoying the fruits of government in one form or the other. PPP seems to be restricted to Sind only and it is highly unlikely that it can get immense breakthroughs in Punjab or Khyber Pakhtunkwa (KPK). Nawaz
Sharif is confined to Punjab only, whereas Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf has most of its following in Punjab and KPK.
Unless Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif do some drastic work in Sind and Baluchistan, the next government of the country is also likely to be formed through coalition.
Imran Khan and Pakistan Muslim League (N) has clearly mentioned that they would not be ready to take part in the elections, if Asif Zardari remains the President of Pakistan, as he is also the co-Chairman of PPP. Both are of the opinion that if the elections
are not conducted under a neutral government, rigging will be at its peak.
Imran said in a press conference, “I don’t see fair and transparent conduct of next elections under President Asif Zardari and there will be a massive bloodshed if any bid is made to rig the polls”.
The political situation of the country is rapidly changing and it remains to be seen that which party is able to strengthen its roots in all the corners of the country.
Tags: Asif Zardari, Imran Khan, Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan politics, PMLN, pppShort URL: