Considering tea over water???
Saturday, November 19th, 2011 5:23:16 by Khayyam Bokhari
In Pakistan, tea is more of a greeting. Guests get tea as a compulsory, rather tea is the first thing served and snacks are by the side. However, typical tea slowly being replaces by green tea and other flavours of herbal
tea. Yet, people who are addicts stick on the same plain Lipton tea.
Researchers from King’s College, London, UK, suggest that if you drink three or more cups of tea a day you might be doing your health more good than drinking plain water. This new study found, among other things, that the urban
myth that tea dehydrates could not be further from the truth – tea hydrates as well as water does, say the researchers.
Not only will tea rehydrate you, it may also protect you from developing heart disease, and even cancer. Apparently, three or more cups a day may also protect your teeth and strengthen your bones. The researchers say they are not sure why, but believe that
flavonoids, polyphenol antioxidants, which are found in abundance in tea, may play a major role. Flavonoids help prevent cell damage.
Team leader, Dr Carrie Ruxton, a Public Health Nutritionist, said tea is better for you than water because all water does is rehydrates you. Tea rehydrates you and provides antioxidants. With tea you get two benefits.
Dr. Ruxton, in a BBC interview, said "Studies on caffeine have found very high doses dehydrate and everyone assumes that caffeine-containing beverages dehydrate. But even if you had a really, really strong cup of tea or coffee, which is quite hard to make,
you would still have a net gain of fluid. Also, a cup of tea contains fluoride, which is good for the teeth."
The team found that people are drinking less tea in the UK than they used to – possibly because they are consuming more soft drinks. The biggest tea drinkers in the UK are over 40 years old. Adding to that tea relaxes you when you are tired, takes away headaches
and for students, tea is often used to stay up late to study.
Nevertheless, if God has created water as the essence of life, we cannot compare and original product with a modified form. Water still has benefits over tea. How?? Consider the fact that our body contains 75 percent water, not
tea!! I rest my case, surprisingly…with a single fact.
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