Willpower, the only exit to smoking -Part 2
Saturday, November 19th, 2011 1:15:06 by sara.anwar
Smokers are messing up with probability of their quality life, they are no more independent. It is best for them that they crawl out of their denial-phase, in which they say that smoking for them is a means of socialising alone.
Snap out of it! It’s just Nicotine’s call you cannot dare to leave unattended. You will start mal-functioning, if you miss out on it, which is the only reason, you have to take it in order to keeping functioning like a normal non-addict person, with no strings
attached to silent and slow addiction of the sort mentioned.
It’s like compromising on the quality of healthy life, which should not be in any way, an option. All smokers invariably think about quitting smoking, the intensity may vary but it is very much there, because whether they agree or not, they know that it
is a down-hill ride for them otherwise.
There are a number of methods through which you can achieve a smoke-free life again. This includes; Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), which may be achieved through either of following mentioned methods; transdermal nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, sprays
and inhalers.
The basic idea is to deliver doses of the addictive chemical nicotine, thus cutting down the unpleasant effects of nicotine withdrawal. Then, making the doses of nicotine smaller with time, shall reduce their dependence upon nicotine and thus tobacco. Also,
this method becomes most effective when combined with other medication and psychological support.
This is one of the ways through which smokers become part of the ex-smokers’ clan but I would not recommend it, because this is like replacing a form of nicotine addiction with another, which means you may discontinue smoking but you are still very much
a nicotine addict.
In my view point, the only way about quitting this menace for good, is through the “cold turkey” method, which only begins with one’s will and is achieved completely, with an even stronger “willpower”. It is simple as there is no prior planning at the back
of the quitting process, you just decide one day and vow never to reverse your decision.
Statistics reveal that 90% of the successful quitting smoking cases are through the cold turkey method, which means no patches, no gums but your willpower alone is sufficient to achieve it all.
However, if you are going for Smoking Cessation, let me assure you, it is never too late and it is NOT going to be an easy ride. The only ingredient to achieve it is, to remain steadfast over the life-changing decision you have made.
There is no falsehood about the smoking relapse. It will hit you and there is no escaping it. However, this is best time to put your “Will power” to test, which will be wavered the most during the initial 2 weeks’ time of quitting. This period will be the
harshest to endure. If one is able to cross over this tough patch, without reverting back, it will be a successful leapfrog towards a smoke-free life ahead.
It does not end there, you will have to embrace a mindset change too, which starts with learning about the effects of smoking, comprehending its consequences and facing the fact that you need to stop smoking and follow, finish and maintain a quit smoking
Next time you light up a cigarette, just take the pending decision already, which has been screaming out for so long, to be taken by you, because every butt you drop from that nicotine stick adds to the adversity of the situation.
Tags: cold turkey method, nicotine, quit, smoking, smoking cessation, steadfast, WillPowerShort URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=4074