Studies suggest that eating nuts on daily basis reduces cholesterol level
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011 5:14:01 by Zeeshan Gohar
Health studies have found that eating nuts reduces low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Not only that, it also improves the blood lipids profile. The results were found after an
analysis of 25 trials. Nuts are a matrix of healthy nutrients, which contain fiber, vegetable protein, phytoesterols and other antioxidants, and ignite the cholesterol-lowering effect due to their unsaturated fat content.
Previously, several studies have been consistently associated with the health benefits of the nut consumption, including the reduced risk for coronary heart disease. Different types of
nuts had similar effects on blood cholesterol levels. However, the effects of nut consumption were significantly modified by LDL, body mass index, and diet type.
A team of researchers from California analysed 583 men and women who had participated in 25 nut consumption trials, which were conducted in seven different countries, to observe the effects
of nut usage on blood lipid levels. All these participants carried a normal lipid profile and were not using any medications of lipid-lowering at the time of trials.
The examination found that eating about 2.3 ounces of nuts every day, a third of cupful, can reduce total cholesterol levels by 5 per cent and bad LDL cholesterol by 7.5 per cent. This
quantity of nut eating can also improve the ratio of LDL cholesterol to good HDL cholesterol by 8.5 per cent and cause a decrease of 10 per cent in triglyceride levels among people with high levels of those blood fats.
People who eat nuts regularly have less risks of heart disease. The Iowa Women’s Healthy Study in 1996, found that women who ate nuts four times a week were 40% less likely to die of heart
disease. Another study after two years, conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, found a similar result in another group of women subjects.
Furthermore, potential heart health benefits of consuming nuts were also found among men, as the Physician’s Health Study, in 2002, found that men who consumed nuts two or more times per
week had reduced risks of sudden cardiac death.
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