Not everyone is destined to get a happy ending

Thursday, November 24th, 2011 6:47:15 by

Not everyone is destined to get a happy ending

In an ideal love story, a man falls in love with a woman and the feeling is reciprocated. After overcoming a series of challenges, the two get married and spend the rest of their lives together. While it may not lead to a ‘happily ever after’ for them, they
are at least together and face the many the many challenges thrown at them by life together, supporting each other through thick and thin.

However, not everyone is fortunate to find things work out ideally for him. There are people who take a plunge into the ocean of love and expect the same outcome as the fortunate ones, i.e. a life-time with their loved one.

Much to the dismay of these people, fate has no intention of being kind to them. Instead, these people begin to pay a price for falling in love and expecting a happy ending.

Of these unfortunate people, the most pitiful soul is the one who begins pursuit of his loved one at a very young age. This sorry person experiences love even before he knows about its existence and meaning. At the age of 11, this person begins to picture
a future where he’ll have the support of his love, the person who will help him face the many challenges of life by standing next to him.

He never chose to fall in love. It was a void in his life that gave his heart and mind the responsibility of finding a support, someone to cling to in order to survive in the cruel world. People may call this person a love-sick puppy, or a desperate pervert
for chasing a fairer gender at such a young age. However, little does anyone know anything about the circumstances that pushed him to take a dive into the ocean of love.

Once the support is found, the next step is quite obvious: approaching that person and expressing your love. He is not to be blamed for remaining optimistic and expecting a positive response. After all, God is aware of the importance of this support for
this person. God is aware that if anyone deserves love and support, it is definitely this person.

Alas, this person gets rejected. It turns out that his road to love is not an easy one and bombards him with a flurry of trials and challenges. He is willing to cross any river, climb any mountain, accomplish anything to get to his destination: love of his
significant other.

The trials go on for years and years, stripping him of self-respect and making him lose confidence in himself and his abilities. People see him suffering and try to help him out, but he dismisses their friendly gestures, calling them ignorant of the intensity
of his love.

After years of pursuit, the person finally stops the chase and decides to sit down, hoping and praying that his loved one would respect his determined pursuit and take notice of his unwavering feelings. This turns out to be yet another wishful thinking.
That loved one simply keeping walking away, insensitive towards the pain of this person.

Emotionally scarred and gradually losing hope, this battered soul begins to find replaced of his true love. He finds various girls without much of an effort, but loses interest in them after a while. He also finds himself chasing many girls who turn back
and slap him through bitter words or coldblooded rejections. Drained off his self-esteem over the years, he finds himself suffering at the hands of numerous people, which include various crushes, girls whom you wouldn’t have given a second glance to under
normal circumstances.

It becomes his destiny to live in suffering. If his true love refuses to embrace him, then who else will provide him shelter? Everyone reserves their love and care for their own significant other. This unfortunate person simply sits and watches time fly
by. His loved one gets married to someone else and gives that love that was meant to be for this soul to that third person.

This person never receives love and thus never finds himself entering marriage. Everyone around is busy complaining about inflation, government, weather, job, traffic, etc. This person sits and complains about only one thing, fate.

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Posted by on Nov 24 2011. Filed under Society. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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