The epidemic of unhealthy habits
Tuesday, November 29th, 2011 11:58:06 by Anita Khalid
We often hear people whining about their weight or that how lazy they have become or that their joints are hurting, an endless list of complaining and whining not only from the old age group which I would say does make sense but nowadays it is the younger
generation that just cannot stop complaining about issues that they fail to realize have been brought upon them due to their lethargic routines.
Not that I need to specify here that what exactly is a ‘lifeless’ and entirely dull routine however I will mention a few things that the rest consider ‘enjoying or chilling out’. Waking up late in the morning is surely considered as a luxury for all those
who have a six day working week which does extend to working the entire week too but then those who are free at home and cannot manage spending time constructively should know that luxuries just cannot be afforded daily otherwise of course you do have to pay
a price for that.
Whenever we come in conflict with what nature compels us to do, we do get stuck and only realize it once we have reached the verge from where coming back and redirecting is almost always impossible. We do not have to walk to places anymore, we do not cook
on coals as was previously practiced, we can manage without carrying the actual paper money, we can stay in contact no matter how far or what place on earth we are, we get to hear the news effortlessly and the list of course goes on. Now that we are already
surrounded by so many conveniences then can’t try going out of our ways a bit that also only for our very own benefit.
Walking to the near market instead of getting in the car or using the stairs instead of the escalator, eating healthy instead of staying chained to the brand slavery of so many different fast foods is something that we can do for our own selves and staying
safe from the various ailments that keep making our lives miserable.
Tags: ailments, complains, habits, luxuries
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