Dreaming a journey…
Wednesday, November 30th, 2011 6:35:16 by Khayyam Bokhari
Sitting at the roof top at a night when the mood is half and the stars glow in the background making it seem as if we are dreaming…life at time seems like a dream and dreams are a part of your reality. However, it is unsure your
dream would come true in while you are lying in your bed or taking a walk on different parts of this planet.
Finding a life that fulfils all your intensions is hard thing. Some of us might have a dream life, however, at some point that goes out the window. I have life, with friends, family, a cool environment, and may be everything I
need. Yet, I just find myself incomplete.
This made me think on a certain things that I am over with. Well all the things I had, I was over with them. Not that I did not want them but my search for something that would please me and satisfy my natural inside. A little
more thinking and I got to a conclusion that was about it. The one thing that would make my life simply ‘Perfect’, and that thing was a journey round the globe.
Let’s be realistic, I might be over thinking as I do not belong to a filthy rich family who go on a euro trip just for the sake of enjoyment, however, the feel of travelling the world is that one thing that would make me feel somewhat,
Lying down at the roof top at night makes me dream of places like Spain, Greenland, Hawaii, Canada, Arctic, Antarctica and every corner of this blue and green planet. The feel of knowing the places fascinates me more than anything.
I might find the love of my life on the go!!!
Walking down a ice block where all the crazy penguins jump off from and I jumping with them would be one thing I would do, however, that is just stupid of me! The reason all of this is a fantasy for me is that it seems better to
me to know the world you live in. It is because of the miss understandings that our world is in so much chaos.
May be one day I can sit with a Christian or a Buddhist guy at some place and not have the feeling of our religious differences and rather considering ourselves two different religious personalities, we consider ourselves humans,
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