Mark Zuckerberg admits committing "a lot" of mistakes
Wednesday, November 30th, 2011 5:31:30 by Awais KhanMark Zuckerberg admits committing "a lot" of mistakes
In a recent blog post on Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, has acknowledged that they have committed "a lot of mistakes," and believes it is unfair to overshadow much of the good work they have done.
The founder of the social media network began by recalling the history of "transparency and control of information" that has maintained throughout the history of the organization and then admitted the shortcomings in privacy of users.
Zuckerberg has chosen this path due to the passage of privacy agreement between U.S. authorities and Facebook which was made on November 11.
In light of the recent developments, Facebook is committed to seeking the consent of members before their data is shared beyond what is provided in the terms of use and confidentiality.
Based on this agreement, Facebook will be submitted for 20 years of monitoring by independent auditors which can monitor that they are meeting their commitments. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will monitor their privacy policy.
The agreement comes after the authorities opened an investigation in 2009 on the said subject. The FCC believes that the popular social network members were deceived by changing the rules of confidentiality, without their permission.
Configuration changes in the management of personal data, which have been periodically introduced by Facebook, has led to complaints from members of the network and civic organizations.
From now on, Facebook will obtain the express approval of their members when seeking a change that will retroactively affect the management of their personal data.
Tags: consent, facebook, mark zukerberg, privacy, social media, usersShort URL: