Ironic trend in Chitral
Friday, December 2nd, 2011 1:35:27 by Sonia Bashir
Science has transformed human life in a well appointed and comfortable with less manual labour. Those devices of labour were being used, now had supplanted with machines. Machines like computer or robots etc now do everything.
Japan is leading the world in robot technology. This has brought the world into a push or a click button era. All these developments have led to luxurious life style but the life no doubt, has become more challenging in terms of competition. What we are trying
to say is that the abundant world sources and resources have made human life more comfortable. Everything is now in the reach of everyone in his room not away from entrance. This revolutionized development is one among the causes of obesity.
World top scientist doctors are thinking to introduce new health friendly medicines, dieting and devices of physical exercises in order to deal with this new phenomenon of obesity in the world. They have introduced different methods
of exercises which are either for slim and healthy physique or to deal with the problem of fatness or weight losing. World scientists are working to combat this emerging difficulty, which is increasing particularly in western countries and the rest of the
world generally, especially in children and adults. Experts in these countries first introduced medicines and dieting which adversely affected the health more and caused different other problems of health and obese-related grave symptoms. They then, are undergoing
with researches to develop more health friendly medicines and advantageous devices for combating with this problem.
The very Ironic trend is developing now in Chitral is that everyone is using fatness drugs without knowing about its pros and cons. World scientists are working to deal with this phenomenon but what is going on in Chitral is inversely
proportional to it. It is glaringly and diametrically opposite to the world needs and detrimental to the good health. Everyone knows that fatness is a problem but some doctors are also saying that these drugs or powder is used for puffing out the body are
extremely bad for the health.
In Chitral capsules or powder is used for puffing out the body, not for good health which becomes evident in those people who stopping them after using. This nameless packed powder seems to be homeopathic, unregistered and illegal,
available in some general stores not in medical stores.
People of Chitral are well educated as compare to the other regions of Pakistan. Even different NGOs are working in health sector to deal with health related issues and to create awareness about them but the progress report of
all appears to be bleak and discouraging. This is not my vanity and vilification of others but a reality that our education is perhaps limited in books and mind and least for the understanding and the best interest of a common person.
It is of course, responsibility of the Health department to take notice of health related issues and doctors to conduct research-oriented work whether these drugs are good for the health and to be used everyone for chubbiness.
I think it would have been a topic of very importance and debate not only for doctors but also for all to make work on it instantly about the suitability and favourability of these obesity (puffing) drugs.
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