A letter to the people of Pakistan (Part 2)
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 9:05:38 by Muhammad Qasim HassanA letter to the people of Pakistan (Part 2)
Dear Pakistani Nation,
I am writing to you once again in order to express the frustration and annoyance that I feel due to the absurd amount of whining that has nearly become a part of culture for you all. I have already pointed out in my previous letter that the cries of “inflation
is making us starve” are nothing more than a cover up for your lack of sense to manage your money properly. You people earn enough to afford the necessities such as food, clothes and shelter, but for some reason that is not enough for you, all thanks to your
complexes. Maybe you should all save up some money and set an appointment with a good psychiatrist.
Moving on, there is another common complain that you all make a huge fuss over; injustice. You want justice, then how about you treating others with justice first? Are you doing justice to your family when you stick a cigarette in your mouth, endangering
yourself when your parents worked day and night to help you grow into a healthy adult? Are you doing justice to your parents when you go around talking dirty when you are aware of the fact that the society always judges parents by the way their child has been
brought up? Are you doing justice to God who blessed you with so much and yet for some reason you do not have time to take 45 minutes out of day to thank him through prayers? How about justice to your employers who hired you with the expectation that you would
perform your duty with sincerity and integrity? Ask yourself right now whether you really are doing what you are expected to do by your employers?
God and people are not the only one you all are treating with injustice. When was the last time you did anything for your country? You all simply wake up, go about your business and then go back to sleep. When did you people ever do anything productive for
this country? When did you people ever be anything besides a burden for this country? Even after so many years, nobody has been able to teach you not to throw your garbage in the streets or on the roads. Nobody has been able to make you understand that by
paying taxes, you are doing a favour to nobody but your own self. Nobody has been able to tell you that laws are meant to be followed for not only your own safety, but everyone else’s as well. Unfortunately, despite referring to yourself as a nation, you all
are nothing more than selfish individuals.
The truth is, you people do not know the first thing about justice. If you did, may you would make it a point to exercise it at every given opportunity. What goes around comes around. Therefore if you really want to be shown justice – that is if you are
being unfairly treated somewhere – then you should start off with showing justice yourself.
I need a break for now, but do not even think for a second that I am done talking. There are still so many things that I want to throw at your faces, so many things that I want you people to realize. Living in a state of denial is where the root of every
problem lies and if I am able to open your eyes to reality, then maybe there is hope for a nation which is satisfied and grateful for what it has.
Yours Truly,
A truly patriotic Pakistani citizen
Tags: inflation in pakistan, injustice in pakistan, Pakistan society, pakistani nation, ungrateful pakistanisShort URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=5542