The Himalayan glaciers start melting

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011 9:59:54 by

The Himalayan glaciers start melting

The Himalayan glaciers have started melting, according to a research conducted by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Dr Pachauri, who weathered much of the criticism over ‘Himalayagate’, said, "These reports provide a new baseline and location-specific information for understanding climate change in one of the most vulnerable ecosytems in the world."

He further went onto say, "They substantially deepen our understanding of this region – and of all mountain systems – while also pointing to the knowledge gaps yet to be filled and actions that must be taken to deal with the challenge of climate change globally
and to minimise the risks from impacts locally."

However, the three year study was conducted on 10 mountains out of the 54000 in the region. Therefore the conclusion taken out of this study is not considered to be sufficient.

Climatic changes have become a serious concern for the entire globe and things are getting worse by the day.

The earth’s temperature is getting hotter by the day, as 2011 was one of the warmest years in history according to a report by World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).

Global warming has become a serious issue in recent times, as the world has witnessed record high temperatures in the ongoing year.

The United Nations (UN) has been worried on the rapid climatic changes in the past decade and wants the countries to respond to the situation before it gets too late.

Earlier, the World Bank’s envoy for climate change Andrew Steer also predicted that the changes in climate will bring more floods and disasters to the world. He stressed that steps should be taken to make this world a better place for everyone.

Floods have really caused a lot of damage to the world in the past few years. The concerning thing is that the intensity and frequency of such disasters is increasing day by day.

Last year, hundreds of people died in severe floods in Pakistan. The same happened this year in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Apart from the deaths, millions of people were left homeless and had to struggle against hunger, poverty and disease.

If things continue like this, things will go out of control. It is high time for every country to react to this situation before it gets too late.

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Posted by on Dec 7 2011. Filed under World. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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