Dotcom Business: A sight for sore eyes in the future
Thursday, December 8th, 2011 2:52:18 by Usman Khalid
Since the dawn of internet, the world has become a global village with its presence in the dotcom environment. Since that time the world has seen a battle between two systems, click and brick. The clever ones chose the right option and embraced the click
system of business and are prosperous to date.
The dotcom companies like Google, Inc., Microsoft Corporation and Apple, Inc. are some of the safest enterprises in the modern economy where the stock market is mostly bearish and EU is having run for their money.
In the modern times the most reliable and profitable business is to invest is the software industry. Good relationship with talented developers is worth more than investing huge bulks in the stocks of some brick company, even in the oil industry.
Keeping the earnings safe in investment banks and even in commercial banks is not a reliable option as well. Look at what happened in 2008 to one of the oldest and most reliable companies, the Lehman Brothers. The insolvency of Bear Sterns started the slide
on a steep slope that has no foreseeable end to it at the moment.
27 big companies fell victim to the 2008 crisis and it did not stop at the banking sector. Economical giants like General Motors, top earning company for six years in a row, were one of those who filed for Chapter 11.
Since then the world economy has seen some of the absurd and unheard remedies that might have brought a temporary cure to the economy but a nightmare to small investors. Quantitative Easing and government’s intrusion into the capitalist environment, giving
it a statement of a more socialist economy, has hindered investment from small businessmen.
However, the e-commerce has been milking whatever is left in the pockets of the recession victims. This year’s Black Friday churned the highest revenues in the 27-year history of such event, $11.4 Billion to be exact.
The e-businesses gouged the biggest slice of these earnings up to almost 60 percent approximately. Amazon, Best Buy took the lead whereas Apple’s AppStore and Microsoft’s Marketplace remained the leaders in the software applications business.
Therefore, it can be safely be said that if economical Armageddon ever happens in 2012, or a year later, as anticipated by the current market health, the dotcom businesse will be a viable option. Even Warren Buffett has vouched for IBM and Dell, after a
long fight in despising this industry.
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