Why President Asif Ali Zardari will not Step Down in any case

Thursday, December 8th, 2011 5:39:08 by

Why President Asif Ali Zardari will not Step Down in any case

Being the President of Pakistan is no easy job and I think that we all can agree with that statement. Facing undeniable pressure from external powers like the United States, the United Nations, than you have our neighbours, India and Afghanistan along with
the biggest threat of all, radicalism within our nation and our very own armed forces.

The President of Pakistan is not like the President of the USA where he actually is the supreme commander of the country in word and spirit, but unfortunately, here it is something which results in a tug-of-power every time a government is elected in a democratically

President Zardari is unlike any other leader this nation has seen in terms of being faced with immense challenges which face this country economically, security wise, externally, internally and from all corners.

Poverty is at an all time high, but do we not see that many first world countries are facing the same difficult situations?

Countries like the USA, most of Europe and many others are close to declaring bankruptcy while Pakistan can still say that we are fortunately not alike in that sense. We might be overburdened in debt, but are still running unlike many other developed nations
which are holding on by a hair.

President Zardari is known to be a man of steel nerves and quite frankly, he is the type of leader that this country needs at the moment.

While looking at all other political parties in the country, we can see that the PPP is easily the most open-minded, progressive and liberal party, which is something we certainly need at the moment.

Extremism is close to clutching this nation in its grip like it has to many of our citizens. People are closing their minds and limiting their thinking abilities to concrete sayings by the Mullah’s trying to take over.

The country was swarmed with news of President Zardari running away and preparing to resign after he suffered a minor heart attack, but seeing that such incidents could happen to anyone as we all are humans, it was very disappointing to see reports of incoherent

One thing we can all rest assured in is that President Zardari has no plans of resigning and will stay in power till his term allows him to, which is something important for the smooth flowing of democracy in the country, resulting in the transition of government’s

If this chain is broken than Pakistan may very well face another dictatorship, which has never benefitted this or any other nation in any way possible.

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Short URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=5688

Posted by on Dec 8 2011. Filed under Editorial, Latest News, National, Opinion, Pakistan, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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