Pak truck drivers support NATO supply blockade

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011 1:59:58 by

Pak truck drivers support NATO supply blockade

The truck drivers of Pakistan have recently backed the decision of the government of Pakistan to stop the NATO supplies from reaching Afghanistan through the Pakistan border. Pakistan blocked the passage for the NATO supplies to reach Afghanistan soon after
NATO made the air strikes on the two Pakistani posts.

It has now been more than a week since the air strikes were made on the two Pakistani border posts and they had gone on for a period of almost two hours. The result of the aggression by the NATO forces was that 24 Pakistani soldiers lost their lives. The
NATO forces were contacted by their Pakistani counterparts during the time that the strikes were being carries out in an effort to make a plea so that the NATO forces cease fire. However, the NATO forces failed to respond in a positive manage.

The military of Pakistan terms the air strikes as “unprovoked aggression” on Pakistan but the stance of NATO is that a full investigation will be carried out regarding why the air strikes took place before any comment is made. The United States also maintains
the same position despite the fact that condolences have been offered for the loss of life that took place on Pakistani soil. America states that U.S. should not be blamed for carrying out the air strike intentionally and Pakistan should wait for the results
of the investigation before making any claims about the matter.

However, the NATO air strikes have fuelled anti American feelings in the Pakistani public which is reflected in the tough stance that the Pakistani government has taken on the matter. The government of Pakistan had decided not to attend the Bonn conference
on Afghanistan that took place in Germany.

Jan, who is one of the thousands of the Pakistani truck drivers who support the decision of the government to block NATO supplies, shared his views in the following manner: “We risk our lives and take these supplies to Afghanistan for NATO, and in return
they are killing our soldiers. This is unacceptable, and we unanimously support the government over closing the border.”

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Posted by on Dec 13 2011. Filed under Pakistan, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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