The grand scheme of Amazon, take it with a grain of salt – Part 2
Thursday, December 15th, 2011 5:50:28 by Usman Khalid
Like Jeff Bezos was once quoted saying that, everything is a part of Amazon’s grand strategy and contemporary stand-offs don’t matter as long as the grand schema is not disturbed. That is why, the company did not break a sweat on controversial price comparing
app and Occupy Amazon On Facebook and Twitter.
Many companies take the scandalous activities immediately and produce evidence in their clearance. Amazon does not follow these SOPs. They keep it cool and low and slow as far as their vision remains intact.
The main reason why Amazon emerges as one of the greatest strategists of recent history and why they are called the General Electric of the modern age is because they take their business seriously and focus on the industry not the competitors.
Over the years, the company has devoured a major slice of book selling from retail stores including Barnes and Noble. They were the first to sell e-books on low prices, first rent them. Free shipping over $25 and Prime membership benefits are some of the
badges that decorate their attire.
Recently announced Kindle family were not first tablets from Amazon. The first Kindle came in 2007 and was it enough. For the time being, yes but when iPad jumped in, no. However, for many the new line was a reaction to Apple’s tablet; it was not the case.
For the strategic prodigy, Amazon, the 2007 edition was just an appetizer; making way for the Kindle Fire, which itself is a trailer to the 2012 or 2013 version.
The Kindle Fire has single-handedly taken the whole tablet community by surprise for its features and low $200 price. Moreover, the basic version is as cheap as a paper book, $79.
There is more to come from Bezos and company and many will be surprised what is in their bag to offer.
Tags: Amazon, Apple, facebook, google, ipad, iPhone, jeff bezos, kindle fire, microsoftShort URL: