British scientists developed technology to make QD TV screens
Saturday, December 17th, 2011 11:41:24 by Zeeshan Gohar
British scientists developed technology to make QD TV screens
British scientists have developed a new technology to make better television screens that can be rolled up and carried in a pocket anywhere. The researchers developed a new type of light-emitting
crystals, called quantum dots, which will be utilised to make new ultra-thin televisions.
Quantum dots are 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair and printed onto a flexible plastic sheet, they have the ability to produce a paper-thin display. These newly developed
TV screens are so easy to carry around or even used as wallpapers to create giant room-size screens.
The scientists are hoping to make these first quantum dot televisions be available in the market for the public by the end of next year. These new quantum dot (QD) TV screens are like
flat-screen TVs but they have an improved colour display and thinner structure that that of flat screens. The flexible version of this technology can possibly take minimum three years to come into the market.
Developer of the technology at Manchester University, Michael Edelman said, “We are working with some major Asian electronics companies. The first products we are expecting to come to
market using quantum dots will be the next generation of flat-screen televisions. The real advantage provided by quantum dots, however, is that they can be printed on to a plastic sheet that can rolled up.”
The chief executive of Nanoco added, “It is likely these will be small personal devices to begin with. Something else we are looking at is reels of wallpaper or curtains made out of a
material that has quantum dots printed on it. You can imagine displaying scenes of the sun rising over a beach as you wake up in the morning.”
However, Mr Edelman did not reveal the companies Nanoco are working with due to commercial agreements but it is assumed that companies like Sony, Sharp, Samsung and LG might be involved
in developing quantum dot television technology.
Currently, most of the television screens are produced with liquid-crystal display (LCD), which is lit by light-emitting diodes (LED). These TV screens are two to three inches thick but
the quantum dot screens will be reduced in thickness.
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