Christmas and its true meaning – Part 1
Monday, December 19th, 2011 6:26:39 by Usman KhalidWhen it comes to Christmas, there are two things that come into mind; gifts and charity. Gifts might have a limited span to just Christmas but the latter one has broader horizon. As the economists put it, both have to be catered with different and more viable
Shelling out gifts on Christmas has evolved as the mentality of children has in the last few years, who believe in Santa Clause. Teddy bears and $10 gifts are not a reasonable solutions to gifting process these days. Most of them end in charity organizations
or a yard sale in the neighbourhood.
The modern economy surely boasts extensive shopping as it helps in the ‘national economy’ however; this is a wrong notion that has been spread all over the US or West for that matter. There are two major flaws in this idea.
One that major spending comes in the holiday seasons like the Black Friday followed by Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays. For more or less the rest of the year, the market remains as stagnant as a puddle.
The spending has to be spread all over the year so that it can truly help the economy but it should be subject to some constraints. More spending by consumers might help the retail-level and production-level companies like Wal-Mart and Tyson, for example.
However, that is not going to help the national economy in the long run.
The American, for example, consume two-third of the production done in the country. It is good from the company’s balance sheet perspective but there is one constraint that has to be taken into account, the natural resources.
The more we consume, the more there will be dearth in the natural resources, and it is happening as we speak, take a look at the African nations where the basic necessities like water are scarcely available.
Tags: charity, christmas, dinners, donations, gifts, shopping, USShort URL: