The best cars of 2011, according to technology experts and viewers – Part 2
Thursday, December 22nd, 2011 5:12:56 by Usman Khalid
Audi undoubtedly took the leap ahead of its competitors in the eye of tech geeks but the viewer’s choice of the year was the all-new 2011 Chevrolet Volt. The electric hybrid was one of the most favourite all this year and the fame never changed colours during
the survey.
Waterlogged with technology, the car takes everything from comfort to gismos to economy into its stride. The electric one-part-moving engine gives a tremendous mileage on batteries but when the engine drains out the charge, petrol engine kicks off and provides
the electricity to both the cells and the engine.
The front-wheel drive keep the car anchored at a safe harbour where as the engine provides ample power to take the passenger to the destination in quick time.
The runner’s up was KIA Optima EX 2011 model was a sweetheart of many car enthusiasts in the mid-sized sedan category. The car became famous for a number of reasons; price and space were some of them.
Koreans are known for cheaply priced products and it has been one of the major selling points of commodities. However, Optima brings more on the table than just economy. The 2.4L straight four-cylinder engine churns out 200 horse powers to the front wheels.
For the large engine, the power is quite low but this Korean product is more safety than power.
The power is controlled by 6-speed automatic transmission in conventional way. The straight-four engine does 24 miles in the city to gallon and 34 mpg on the highway. When it comes to safety, the brake paddle applies brake power to all four wheels in a safe
manner with the help of anti-lock brake system.
The Optima comes in eight elegant colours giving a garnishing look to a very flamboyant yet subtle shape.
Tags: audi, bmw, chevrolet, economy, fuel economy, german car makers, integrity, japanese, kia, Korean, mini cooper, overall structure, price, safety features, technology, top carsShort URL: