Mobile devices boast online transactions this Christmas Day – Part 3
Tuesday, December 27th, 2011 5:00:01 by Usman Khalid
However, this year, though the economy is still finding its footing on a stable terrain and Europe is going through a tough time, the trend of making online transactions has shown its healthy signs. The public is preferring to go online and order a product
and are willing to pay for the shipment charges, which is rare in many cases. Companies like Amazon and Wal-Mart are making huge profits from this trend.
However, the brick and mortar system is on Achilles’ heel once more after a short break of three years. Majority of sales this Black Friday and Thanksgiving in addition to Christmas Eve and Day were made via the internet, if every electronic device from
desktops to a mobile phone is taken into the fold.
There has been an increasing confidence in preferring the online retailers and one of the major reasons in this regard is the reach of middle class on mobile devices. Most of the transactions made these holidays were for products that were either offered
with hefty concessions or were cheap on price tags altogether. Therefore, the inclusion of middle-waged families into the equation has been one of the main factors that has increased the trend in online purchases.
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