Golden Globe 2012 – Big Winners
Monday, January 16th, 2012 4:11:25 by Zubair Saleem
Golden Globe 2012 – Big Winners
The 69th edition of the Golden Globe awards took place at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles, had two major players, the silent film ‘The Artist’ and the intimate drama Descendants
While The Artist took statuettes for best comedy or musical, best actor (Jean Dujardin) and Best Original Score (Ludovic Bource), the descendants got the awards for best drama and best drama actor (George Clooney).
Meryl Streep’s and Michelle Williams, both were handed the honors of best actress with Steep winning for The Iron Lady while Williams, took home the globe as best comedy actress or musical for ‘My Week With Marilyn’.
In the section of sharing best performances also included veteran Christopher Plummer, 82, for Beginners, and Octavia Spencer for The Help, a drama about racial segregation in the U.S. in the 1960s.
The trophy for best director went to Martin Scorsese for Hugo, his first work in 3D, consequently his third Golden Globe after those achieved for Departed (2006) and Gangs of New York (2002).
Also, The Adventures of Tintin, Steven Spielberg took the award for best animated film, while Midnight in Paris, Woody Allen, won the best original screenplay.
Allen, as usual, did not attend the ceremony but Spielberg did, who said it was "fantastic." "Thanks to Sony and Paramount’s confidence, we could have rolled up the phone if we wanted, but no, we rescued a fantastic book series from 80 years ago and turned
it into a movie," said Spielberg.
For its part,singer Madonna enjoyed great prominence during the gala. First with the award for best original song ("Masterpiece" from film "WE"), and then as host of the category of the best foreign language film, which went to the Iranian Separation.
Finally, Morgan Freeman was awarded the honorary Cecil B. DeMille for his career, an award that was presented by Sidney Poitier.
Tags: , George Clooney, Golden Globe 2012 Big Winners, Madonna
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