Middle East based start-ups that have the potential to grow in the near future – Part 3

Monday, January 16th, 2012 5:21:19 by

4.       Mustalahatak

Mustalahatak is the latest addition to the internet, especially catering the Arabic internet. With enough contribution, if it receives, the website has the potential to become the Google of Middle East. The URL is crowd-sourced and demands the services of internet users who are literate in Arabic. The website offers services of translation of English words into Arabic. Any Arabic speaker knows how English terminologies or Internet-related terms are simply Arabized. Rather than twist an English word to suit an Arabic accent, Mustalahatak (which literally means ‘your expressions’), it takes the services of internet users to translate these words into Arabic literature.

While the interface certainly leaves something to be desired, it can be overlooked for the time being because of the site’s potential. To contribute translations, the user can either sign-up for a free account, or connect the site to his/her Facebook account.

5.       Mawaly

Mawaly is a site that any Arabic music enthusiast should have used by now. The site a one-stop hub for Arabic music, with countless Arabic tunes from latest releases to classic and old music. The website is also linked to YouTube for a vast database of songs. With Mawaly, the user can stream thousands of songs, watch music videos, and keep up with the latest industry gossip and news. Mawaly is completely legal, but in order to take advantage of the site’s features, user will have to sign up for a free account.

Available only in Arabic, the website leaves a desire for English version, which non-Arabic speakers can avail to listen to the latest regional music.


Short URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=9394

Posted by on Jan 16 2012. Filed under Business. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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