Pakistan asks for delay in US visit

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012 7:03:11 by

Pakistan asks for delay in US visit

Pakistan has recently rejected a request made by the United States to visit the country. The reason of the visit was to discuss issues related to Afghanistan. The news of the rejection of the US request by Pakistan was revealed by the spokesman of
U.S. State Department, Mark Toner.

The US had made the request to visit Pakistan on behalf of the Ambassador Marc Grossman. But the Pakistani government currently ruled by the Pakistan People’s Party asked the US to delay the visit to the country.

The following statement was given in this regard by one of the Pakistani officials: “Ambassador Grossman asked to visit Pakistan but we conveyed to him that it was not possible at the moment.”

The relations between the super power and Pakistan are at their lowest in the past decade. The reason for the tensions between the two nations is an incident that took place last year in the month of November. Two of the Pakistani border posts were hit by
NATO airstrikes. The air stirkes went on for a period of about two hours at the end of which 24 Pakistani soldiers lost their lives.

The NATO forces were contacted by their Pakistani counterparts in an attempt to make the attacks reach a stop but the NATO forces did not respond in a positive manner and continued on with their fire. The NATO forces maintain that they were carrying out
an operation in collaboration with the Afghan troops and received threat from the side of the4 Pakistani border forces.

The consequence of the aggression carried out by the NATO forces was a severe deterioration of ties between Pakistan and the United States. The Pakistani government responded by cutting off supply lines to the NATO troops first of all. Pakistan also boycotted
the Bonn Conference that took place later on. The agenda of the conference was to discuss issues related to Afghanistan and Pakistan is considered to be a key player in matters dealing with Afghanistan. Several requests were made by the United States to Pakistan
so that the country would join the conference but to no avail.   

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