Protein Supplement production in industrial sector – Part 7

Monday, January 23rd, 2012 4:21:54 by

Protein Supplement production in industrial sector – Part 7

However, with increasing mass growth comes an increase in the requirements for substrate and more importantly oxygen. The oxygen requirement for large amount biomass is difficult to meet and requires a very large air flow rate which equally requires increasingly
higher power inputs (Stanbury and Whitaker, 1998).

This problem then introduces the risk of not maintaining aerobic conditions. The loss of such conditions would lead to higher production of ethanol. This is caused if the rate of sugar uptake exceeds that of the rate for the transport of respiratory intermediates
(Barford J.P., 1990).

There are also staff considerations; it is noted that for batch fermentations carried out in consecutive series that a batch time of 20-24 hours allows for stereotyped use of staff (Ejiofor A.O, 1994).

There are also options to consider as to how many final fermentors are used. While it true that one fermentor of a specific volume is cheaper than multiple fermentors of collectively the same volume, a number of final fermentors may give your operation helpful
room for manoeuvre.

The extra reactors would provide allowances to the system. They would give the system a reduced risk of losses due to contamination. For instance, if contamination occurred in a given reactor it would affect the whole product in a one reactor system. However,
this would be reduced by a given fraction of product for a given amount of reactors.

A number of reactors also allows for a more continuous nature to production. This means that while one reactor is being emptied to a storage tank another may be ready for re-initiation of a batch. This may also be of a benefit to the downstream processes.

This is because if the downstream system is working in a continuous manner it allows the storage tank to be supplied in a more continuous manner. This means that if for instance a particular batch reactor’s batch time needs to be lengthening there is still
adequate supply to the storage tank, from the other reactors, and therefore the downstream processes.

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