Protein supplements production, example plant overview – Pakistan industrial sector update part 1
Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 6:10:57 by Ahmed TariqProtein supplements production, example plant overview – Pakistan industrial sector update part 1
Here I have given a systematic run through of the process flow diagram providing the methodology behind the design while also providing the compositions and flow rates throughout each pipe and vessel through the system. It also details the design specifications
of the vessels, reactors and pumps.
T002 is a storage tank for the beet molasses with a volume of 60m3. This volume allows for storage of up to 3 days worth of beet molasses. The flow from this tank, stream 1, is at a rate of 0.82m3/hr. This flow goes through the reciprocating
pump, P103, which takes it to a mixing vessel, M001.
The viscosity of this flow is very high and in the range of 4.4Pa.s. The tank T001 is a storage tank for the sugar cane molasses and has a volume of 20m3, which also accommodates for a 3 day supply. The flow from this tank, stream 1, is at a rate
of 0.21m3/hr.
This similarly goes through a reciprocating pump, P101, due to the high viscosity of the flow, to M001. T003 is the storage tank for the mixing water. This flow, with µ equal to 1.15×10-3 at 15°C, can be pumped through stream
6 via a centrifugal pump, P105, to M001.
The supply of the mixing water is at a rate of 1.22m3/hr. The temperature of the substances in all of these tanks and through each respective pipe is assumed to be that of the surroundings temperature. This is assumed to be an average throughout
the year of 15°C.
The mixing tank, T004, receives a total flow amount of 2.25m3/hr. The volume of the tank is 5m3. The purpose of M001 is to mix the three streams entering in such a manner as to produce a uniformly composed stream on exit.
This is done so to produce a flow of medium at a much lower viscosity than that of pure molasses as well as providing the medium at a set concentration. The concentration of the flow exiting M001 into stream 7 is 320kg/m3. M001 operates at steady
state and as such the flow rate of stream 7 is 2.25m3/hr.
Tags: 2011, 2012, Industrial, Jan Dawson, lahore, Nokia Developer Website, Nokia s new Lumia 900, production, Report, research
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