What is the best time to buy a video game console?
Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 7:02:02 by Musa Afridi
With news surrounding the next generation of consoles heating up and the current generation nearing the end of their lifecycle newspakistan.pk figures out what’s the best time to buy a console.
Technological advances are taking place at a blistering pace with smart phones and tablet PCs constantly evolving. While the video game industry does not ship out its hardware at the same rate as Apple does with its products, video game consoles usually
represent a significant investment for the consumer.
The PlayStation 3 cost over Rs. 40,000 when it was first released in Pakistan and the current price is still around the Rs. 30,000 mark. This is strange because if one was to purchase the same console from abroad it would cost them significantly less with
the Xbox 360 retailing for $200 and the PlayStation 3 costing around the $300 mark.
Also one can expect the next generation consoles to cost a fair bit of money as well, seeing how each console is sure to have frighteningly high levels of demand.
Let us start things off with the current generation of consoles and when one should buy them. The answer is simple: Now! There has never been a better time to own a PlayStation 3 or an Xbox 360. The amount of content, in terms of games, is enough to keep
one happy for a considerable amount of time.
Titles such as Killzone 2 and 3, Halo Reach, the Gears of War and Uncharted trilogies, etc are all available and ready for gamers to play without the wait that the rest of the world had to endure. Also gamers will know which games are genuinely great and
which are a waste of time and money because they will not be caught up in all the hype that surrounds a newly released game.
Prices are also more competitive and affordable, especially if one can find a way to get them from abroad. While that option may not be open to many, it is still the best way to get one’s hands on an affordable console.
So in terms of content available, now is the best time to get a video game console and enjoy it until the next generation has had time to settle itself.
Tags: bigger screen, Cabinet Secretary Nargis Sethi, playstation 3, Rumours, Video Games, xbox 360Short URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=12000