Pakistan opens NATO supply routes
Tuesday, February 14th, 2012 7:09:16 by Rabiya MaqboolPakistan opens NATO supply routes
The government of Pakistan ruled by the Pakistan People’s Party has allowed the NATO to use its air space in order to supply its troops in Afghanistan food products. The permission to open the supple routes to the NATO forces by making use of the Pakistani
air space was given after two months of ban imposed on the NATO forces.
A defence ministry official of the Pakistan government quoted the Defence Minister of the country, Ahmed Mukhtar, as expressing himself on the matter in the following manner: “The permission has been given for food items. Since the food items were perishable,
we have allowed them to transport them by air to Afghanistan. We have told them to take the supplies out by air and don’t bring more for the time being. The decision to fully restore all kind of supplies to the neighbouring country rests with the parliament.”
The NATO supply routes were cut by the government of Pakistan after it had inflicted air strikes on two of the border posts of the country. The air strikes had resulted in the deaths of 24 Pakistani soldiers. The NATO forces had carried on the aggression
for a total of two hours despite the fact that they received repeated requests by their Pakistani counter parts to stop the attacks.
After the attacks had finally stopped, the military of Pakistan had termed them as acts of unprovoked blatant aggression while the stance of the NATO forces had been that they had been carried out because of error on both the sides.
As a consequence, the government of Pakistan had immediately cut out its supply routes to the NATO forces that were stationed in Afghanistan.
The relationship between Pakistan as well as the United States of America experienced its worst moment in the past decade as hostility in the public of Pakistan against the super power grew. The government of Pakistan demanded an official apology from the
head of state of the super power but no such apology came. Similar was the case between the relations of Pakistan and the NATO as they also experienced a severe downturn.
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