Facebook – Use it wisely not vainly! (Part-I)

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 12:55:47 by

Facebook – Use it wisely not vainly! (Part-I)

Social Networking is Ironical in its name because it doesn’t bring people closer but creates big gaps in relationships with people who really matter the most in our life Parents and Family. Spending lumps of time sitting in front of computer screen is not
going to get you friends but living with them sharing happiness and spreading the joy does that. Facebook, Twitter etc. are good but not better!

The rift sometimes expands and can’t be solved with any efforts. There are many side-effects of staying stuck to social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter etc and five most deadly side-effects follow this paragraph.

A research conducted in United States over several children proved that students who use Facebook, Twitter and other social networking websites excessively had a low attention span and thus score low grades. Facebook should be used constructively but not
like elixir without which you can’t survive. Addiction to anything is bad, Facebook is addictive.

Take me lightly, play some FarmVille or Texas Hold ‘em Poker in the office and you will see the result. I know how badly you miss your relatives. I know but during work, Facebook should be avoided. Recently, a research revealed that a more than 72% employees
in every company spent 1-1.5 hours on Facebook, Twitter and other Social Networks during work.

Just saying “Happy Birthday” or “Happy Marriage Anniversary” is not enough, being present with family and friends during rough conditions matters more than anything else. You might disagree but Facebook is depriving you of society and social bonding. It
may seem fun but is addictive and thus ought to be used in limit.


Short URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=14044

Posted by on Feb 28 2012. Filed under Sci-Tech. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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