Facebook – Use it wisely not vainly! (Part-II)

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 12:56:24 by

Facebook – Use it wisely not vainly! (Part-II)

Facebook is not the right place to seek new friends that could be there for you when you need them, yes it develops connection but not the one which we need, therefore communication with real people who live in your locality, study at coaching and work in
following cubicles in much more important. Leaving living God’s biggest gift for internet is not at all a good idea or decision. I think we should limit access to Facebook rather than saying that stop Facebook or “never ever use it”.

It is good if you want to share all your data, you birthday and latest pictures with strangers, but what if? You know? What you are risking? Yeah I know that Facebook has privacy setting but when hackers can get your account password in a moment how long
do you think it would take them to break security? What if by fate your name spoils on the web for something you have no idea about, it sounds crazy but you never know.

I have no right to tell you what to do and what not to do, I can just say as a friend that Social Networking Websites are great, Facebook is ultimate and Twitter is like your virtual world but excess of everything is bad! Don’t use SNS like mad men!

I remember a time when I was playing more than 17 social games including Farmville and update my status even at 4 in the morning. Life is to live; there are thousands of things waiting for us in the real world.

It is obviously difficult to change the trends that are being followed these days but not impossible. Few precautions can keep you away from big disasters. Staying up-to-date with the happenings around your school, college, university etc is definitely good
but it doesn’t mean that it should affect your overall performance and decline your potential. All I want is a successful life for everyone. I hope readers will understand my point of view!



Short URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=14046

Posted by on Feb 28 2012. Filed under Sci-Tech. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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