Top 3 most underrated games everyone must play – Part 1
Thursday, March 1st, 2012 6:17:02 by Musa Afridi
There are plenty of games out there in the world today yet the following three are the most underrated there are and are worthy of some playtime.
We all know about the Call of Dutys, the Battlefields, the Uncharteds and the Assassin’s Creeds, but the gaming world is so much more than all of those titles and no we are not referring to Angry Birds or cut the Rope.
Below are three games that the reader has probably never heard of, or even if they have, did not bother giving a try. Yet, in all honesty, the perhaps missed out on an amazing experience.
Demon’s Souls
A game that would have the player pulling his hair out or throwing the controller to the floor, Demon’s Souls is as unforgiving and challenging as it is satisfying and rewarding. It is almost as if the game epitomizes the pain for pleasure cliché.
The game is based around the mechanic that the player has to die and that too often. It is only after dying over and over again that the player understands how to get to their objective.
For example, there is bridge that the player must cross, yet the second he does a dragon burns him to a crisp without any warning.
However, the next time a player makes it to that spot he knows there’s a dragon and will be better prepared. The entire game relies on this mechanic and there is a constant sense of tension as even a single enemy can do huge amounts of damage to the player.
At the same time, every command the player gives is his own. That may sound like a stupid statement yet when one plays the game, they understand just how true that is. There is no ‘combo’ button or any assist for the player
The game is not one that everyone will be able to finish or even get past the first stage of, yet spending even an hour or two in the world will be more than enough for the player to appreciate what a gem Demon’s Souls is in the gaming world.
Continued in Part 2
Tags: Demon s Souls, playstation 3, top 3, underrated, Video Games
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