Fret blemish the first public act of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands after the bus crash of Prince Friso

Thursday, March 8th, 2012 4:42:30 by

Fret blemish the first public act of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands after the bus crash of Prince Friso

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands has returned to make a public appearance of official character l from the bus crash his son, Prince Friso on 17 February. The Sovereign, who cancelled his schedule for two weeks, opened Wednesday afternoon the new headquarters
of the Explosives Unit of the Ministry of Defence in the town of Soesterberg.

The queen, with a sad face and saddened by the serious health condition of his son , who remains in a coma in Wellington Hospital in London where he was taken earlier this month after passing through an Austrian medical centre, has spent these days without
leaving your hand and accompanying Friso’s wife, Mabel van Oranje, who thanked a few days ago the messages of love that has the following message posted on Twitter: "I express my gratitude for the enormous number of messages and kind expressions of sympathy
we have received. A lot of support and strength means a lot to know that so many people are thinking about us. "

The tragedy is living the royal family has continued to be focal point during the event. Kathman Colonel, Head of Unit has sent in his speech the solidarity of the Armed Forces to the Orange "by the worrying situation of Prince Friso.” The Queen was guided
by the facilities of the military and after that, the colonel himself Kathman told reporters that although the Queen had expressed interest in their explanations were also given samples of the difficult time it goes across.

Later this month, the queen, remains unchanged if the agenda, visit to Luxembourg, a journey that, according to the Royal House will follow the April 30 celebration of the "Queens Day", whose preparations are continuing. But before this, and showing that
the procession goes inside, Beatrix will attend an anniversary concert of piano music in the famous Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.


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Posted by on Mar 8 2012. Filed under World. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

2 Comments for “Fret blemish the first public act of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands after the bus crash of Prince Friso”

  1. M

    It was a skiing accident, not a bus crash. Nice try. RESEARCH before printing an article. Plus, the English in this article is TERRIBLE. Your editor should be fired it’s so bad!

  2. Erica

    There is misinformation in this article. Prince Friso was the victim of a avalanche accident.
    You make mention of the Queen being a his in the first 3 sentences. His should be her!!

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