Brave decisions of Parliament
Thursday, March 22nd, 2012 3:29:09 by Faisal Farooq
It is quite a welcoming gesture that Parliament will decide new terms of engagement with the United States in light of the recommendations prepared by Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS).
Since last four decades, a military dominated establishment used to formulate foreign policy exclusively. Without taking political leaderships and foreign office into confidence, the military men took decision that led to the isolation of the country in the region and in the world, at times.
Some analysts believe that the military establishment created Taliban in its laboratories who turned the country into a safe home for militants while capturing Afghanistan. They also believe that these groups used this country to export militancy to Russia, China, USA and other countries.
Ill-conceived Kargil operation ruined the efforts of Nawaz Sharif, losing the historic opportunity to improve bilateral ties between Pakistan and India in the Lahore Declaration. It was a time when traditional allies of Pakistan alleged it of cross-border interventions.
The committee prepared the recommendations proposing steps to safeguard the sovereignty of the country. In quite a brave move, it rejected any military intervention by the Americans inside the Pakistani soil including drone strikes.
Furthermore, it sought a formal apology over the Salala check-post attack and a pledge that actions this kind will not be happened again. The proposal also discouraged any verbal agreement about national security on the part of the government or any institution.
After seeking inputs from military leadership, foreign office and political parties, the PCNS has formulated the proposal. President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani have discussed the proposal with all major stakeholders.
All the preliminary work has been done, and now, the parliament will put the final seal of legality on it.
Everyone should dispirit the forces of anarchy like the so called Defence of Pakistan Council (DPC), which has threatened to encircle the parliament if it resumed the NATO supply route.
Every pillar of the country is bound to ensure the supremacy of the parliament. In the next phase, the parliament should revise the terms of engagement with neighboring countries, particularly with Iran, India and Afghanistan.
Tags: Afghanistan, China, DPC, NATO, Parliamentary Committee National Security, PCNS, President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, Russia, Salala check-post, Taliban, USShort URL: