Rumours of Vanillaware cancellation were wrong
Sunday, April 1st, 2012 5:18:22 by Fahad Zafar
Rumours of Vanillaware cancellation were wrong
Vanillaware games are unpopular, partly because the machinery of distribution which uses are anonymous (Atlus and Ignition Entertainment), and yet that does not mean that their work is highly commendable, especially in the visuals. Almost as if he had rescued
the essence of the most virtuous platform games of the decade of the nineties, proposals like Odin Sphere and Muramasa: The Demon Blade is exposed as a very fun job, but also extremely artistic, but following the analogy, appeal to a small niche.
So few people knew about the latest creation from this study, Dragon’s Crown, but those who were waiting with excitement yesterday was alarmed when Amazon sent notice of cancellation to all consumers who had purchased in pre-order. To make matters worse,
the game is not listed in the catalogue of this online store, and thus began the speculation that perhaps she had changed her schedule to downloadable title, after all, despite the impressive aesthetics, amount of information will not be excessive.
But addressing the concerns, the illustrator of the game said on his Twitter accounts that "although there have been rumours and speculation, [Dragon’s Crown] is still in production," and we must be patient to receive future updates.
Although not thoroughly touched the issue of cancellation, or format in which we can enjoy the game, the fact that at least the studio remains committed to launch and PS3 PlayStation Vita.
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