Final Fantasy 13 – Final Verdict and Ratings for the game on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3
Tuesday, April 10th, 2012 9:56:09 by Muhammad Qasim Hassan
Final Fantasy 13 – Final Verdict and Ratings for the game on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3
Final Fantasy 13 does away with several of the franchise’s traditions and this will certainly displease some of the hardcore fans. A huge chunk of the game is linear, you can control only one character at a time and each character’s role has a limited number of moves. However, if the gamer is willing to accept these changes, then he will have a lot of fun with this game. The characters are cool, the production value is off the charts and the mythology that Square Enix created is fascinating. If you are looking for a great Japanese role-playing game, look no further. Just do not expect it to be the best of the Final Fantasy name.
Final Fantasy is not exactly the sort of game that someone relatively new to the Japanese role-playing games would like to dip into, as the gameplay and the mechanics are quite challenging to get a hold of. However, those who have a prior experience of the final fantasy series or other Square Enix games, this game is highly recommended to them.
As far as the game’s presentation is concerned, it gets a whooping 9.5 out of 10. The unbelievably gorgeous cut-scenes throughout the game, combined with the polished interfaces and a really great story all adds up to give a really satisfying experience. The beautifully designed character models and the in-game environments are simply breath-taking.
The game gets a 9.0 for its sound. The voices of the characters as well as the music are all really impressive.
Final Fantasy 13 gets an 8.5 for its gameplay and lasting appeal. The battle system is quite engaging, though it takes a while for a person to get used to. The game is a little linear, which is an issue for a lot of fans. It would take a new player around 60 hours to finish the game. Though there are no mini-games to serve as distractions, there are numerous side-quests for players to enjoy.
Overall, the game gets an 8.9, definitely a great game to buy.
Tags: final fantasy 13, game reviews, square enix, Video Games, xbox 360Short URL: