Media sensationalism in Pakistan and its impact
Sunday, April 15th, 2012 6:45:59 by Muhammad Ahmad Nazir
Media sensationalism in Pakistan and its impact
Pakistani Media always tries to create hype even to those matters that hold no importance at all. Media channels are spreading a feeling of disappointment among the general masses through sensationalising the petty issues, which are not directly associated
to the problems of common people.
At the current moment, Media is considered as the fourth pillar of a state throughout the world. However, with this growing significance also comes greater responsibility on media.
Major objective of Media should be to make people aware of the happening at national or international level while remaining impartial.
Nevertheless, in Pakistan, media is being used by a few people for their personal gains on the cost of national interest.
News channels and newspapers have their own policies which are formed in accordance with the personal benefits.
A few media organizations support one political party and the other support a different party. There are also some media organizations that always support the ruling party.
Media in Pakistan is currently not playing its role in the true sense of journalism as almost every channel is supporting someone in order to fulfil some hidden agendas.
Media organizations, in this regard, in the country always try to create hype on a matter which has no significance at all.
All newspapers and news channels in Pakistan are not playing their role in the true sense as they create sensationalism which put a common man in disappointment and he starts thinking that there is nothing positive left in this country.
Media is supposed to deliver information that makes people aware of happenings but these media organizations should avoid to create sensationalism just to get more viewership and higher ratings.
However, Pakistani media seems to play a partial role and also tries to create hype just to get higher ratings among the competitors and in this way mislead people as it is quite disapproving.
All media organizations should follow the true spirit of journalism and should remain impartial to every matter and also should present the true picture of issues without keeping an eye on personal gains.
Tags: Award functions, Haider Abbas, issues, media organizations, news channels, newspaper, Participate, peopleShort URL: