Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf is the only ray of hope in Pakistan – Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan
Wednesday, April 18th, 2012 3:53:36 by Yasir Hashmi
Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf is the only ray of hope in Pakistan – Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Pakistan’s famous scientist, has come out in support of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) and its Chairman, Imran Khan. The hero of the nation, who has played a massive part in Pakistan’s nuclear program, expressed that PTI is the only
political party in the country which can change the fate of the masses.
Chairman PTI recently met the scientist at his home and requested for his morale support for the party, which is fast growing as one of Pakistan’s most popular political party among the educated class of the country.
There were rumors that Dr. Abdul Qadeer may join PTI but Imran has made it clear that the famous scientist will only patronize the party and will not join it like other politicians. The cricketer turned politician believes that Dr. Khan is a person of great
stature in the country and it is not appropriate for him to join any political party as this may scandalize his personality.
While talking to the reporters, Dr. Khan praised PTI and hopes that it will bring a change of political culture in Pakistan.
“I would love to join PTI – but on one condition, to pursue real politics to change Pakistan’s fate,” the scientist said.
Dr. Khan has decided to support PTI without any condition as he feels that Pakistan must get rid of the tried and tested politicians.
He expressed, “I will support PTI as I believe it is the only party with a ray of hope for the oppressed.”
The great scientist added that the people of Pakistan are fed up of the traditional parties like Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and Pakistan Muslim League (N). Hence, he believes that the people must vote and support PTI in the upcoming general elections.
“People of Pakistan want change. They want to get rid of traditional politicians as they always let them down by [practicing] corrupt politics,” Dr. Khan added.
The Senior Vice-President of PTI, Dr. Shireen Mazari also welcomed the support from the hero of the nation.
“PTI’s doors are always open for AQ Khan,” she mentioned.
Most of the political analysts in Pakistan believe that the support of Dr. Khan is going to be a huge boost for PTI.
Tags: cricketer, Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, Hero, Imran Khan, politician, PTI, scientistShort URL:
Sir, Dr. Abdul Qadeer khan Should b part of PTI because only PTI think about Pakistan no other party is doing like that.i saw them from long time they doing like that (look buzzy do nothing ).inshallah PTI will b successful in election and inshallah Pakistan will the best country in the world.
It is best thing that A Q khan with inran khan
i want to join pti before i was a supporter of ppp. i want to change in pakistan. im working qatar doha as a accountant. but if i can find job in my country even half of my salary which im getting here ill work in pakistan. but still waiting for some change in our country….
I pray in favor of PTI for best Pakistan. People of Pakistan must have to kick-out the current ruling parties and their manpower who do not have any competency, vigion and honesty like Petroleum Minister Dr. Asim who did not know anything about pertoleum business before he got the ministry by Asif Zerdari.
In my view, there should be best people in the Natiional Assembly and request respectable Imran Khan to give the assingment of the competent people from best institutes of Pakistan like LUMS, IBA and other professional engineering and medicine and education institute after winning the election. Inshallah and Ameen.