Buried National Interests and their Grave on Trial
Saturday, April 28th, 2012 4:27:23 by Asiya Mahar
With only 15 seconds of punishment, the PM Contempt Case under consideration from last 150 days has not ended. The vague decision announced by Supreme Court of Pakistan has many loopholes which are not understood by common man of Pakistan for the betterment of whom it’s contended that this decision is taken.
Though the democracy is for the people, by the people and of the people but I am sorry on being part of democracy that exists. It is democracy that has brought distress for the people, is not answering to any voice raised by the people and mistakenly claims to be appointed by the people.
I am sorry to the Prime Minister that we nominated him for position of PM and he used the powers bestowed by people to convert his title from Prime Minister to Crime Minister. To the PhD’s he made a speech and said if I write letter to Swiss Courts as demanded by Supreme Court, it will be an act against article 6 of the constitution i.e. against head of the state and hanged till death is the punishment for violation of that article but if he does not write the article he will be imprisoned for 6 months.
According to the words of popularly elected Prime Minister, he can go against the interests of the people but cannot go against party leadership. He can resist writing letter to get details of alleged illegal money deposited in Swiss Banks that belongs to people of Pakistan, but he cannot resist the trial of BB’s grave. Whose PM is he, country’s or Party’s? Which kind of PM is he for whom country can be put at stake but individual cannot? His priority to national interest would have been clarified if he would have opted to go for being hanged rather than hanging and killing democracy to death.
This decision is not bound and being discussed within the boundaries of Pakistan, rather it has again given the image to the world that democracy is being played at the hands of politicians that erode them with their personal interests.
Coming over to what has been done by the next pillar of state, I am sorry to SupremeCourt that I put trust in it, and wrongly sacrificed the life of people in Long March, we perceived the struggle will lead to judiciary that will be dealing with the cases neutrally. But every dream does not come true and justice delayed remains to be justice denied. What we saw after its restoration was that judiciary kept trying to jump into the boots of executive work.
More significantly, as far as the today’s verdict is concerned, it has left the citizens in a confused state and has left them thinking whether it was a punishment or a joke? It has shattered the trust of the people, who are asking isn’t a mistake done by politicians, a mistake? The punishment to politicians lasts for seconds, but the ordinary citizens are being given lifetime punishment for being born in Pakistan? Everything from basic needs to political rights has been taken away. But the logo of THE KING IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE KING persists.
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