Dirty Politics in Pakistan
Saturday, April 28th, 2012 4:00:15 by Tariq Rahim
The politicians in Pakistan are promoting their private interests under the guise of serving the public. They have been exploiting the nation for 60 years in the name of religion, language, ethnicity, cast, greed etc. Their politics is based on hollow promises, tall claims and biased slogans. Neither they follow their manifestos nor do they take interest in the welfare of society and progress of the country. Family-politics is well flourished and those in the power have planned really well to inherit the power to the descendents. It seems ridiculous when the politicians frequently use words like unity, integrity, solidarity, prosperity, harmony, security etc in their speeches and interviews. The media tycoons (anchorpersons) usually come hard on the politicians for doing bad-governance but the politicians turn a blind eye to the criticism. They only concentrate on delivering impressive speeches for gaining political support from the public.
Nowadays the interesting figure in Pakistani politics is Imran Khan-the man who talks about bringing a ‘change’. What change can be brought by Imran Khan? Will he be succeeded in eradicating social evils and putting an end to terrorism, corruption, bribery, lawlessness, poverty, inflation? Will he be able to make Pakistan a prosperous country? He promises of making Pakistan, a Muslim welfare state and declares corruption the biggest social problem of Pakistan. Khan is also against of family politics and come hard on PPP and PML-N (his attitude is otherwise in the case of chaudary brothers). He declares ‘Youth’ the real asset of Pakistan and wants all the politicians in general and PML-N and PPP’s top leaders in particular to declare their real assets (hopefully the two parties won’t say that it is the ‘Youth’). No doubt Imran khan and the other top leaders of his party have never been charged for corruption or foreign accounts (Swiss bankers might not be happy with them). But Khan’s political role is becoming doubtful. We cannot overlook the change in his attitude towards MQM. Khan has been quoted several times by the media saying “MQM isn’t a political party rather it is a terrorist organization”. Not so long ago he had accused MQM of the ‘12th May’ massacre and also had gone to London for registering a case against MQM’s chief but now he has not only given up the matter but is reluctant to give a single statement against MQM. Isn’t this sudden and unexpected change in Khan’s political strategy creating doubts about his character? Some critics say Khan will soon be beating a drum of reconciliation as it is being beaten by the PPP. The Pakistani politicians are not honest and trustworthy and the public also is ignorant of their political role so why the establishment or intelligence agencies be criticized for intervening in the state politics?
The question is; what steps need to be taken in order to put Pakistan’s politics on the right track and to stop politicians from playing ‘dirty politics’ and exploiting the public. The single solution is; educating the masses. Unless the public is educated; any positive change cannot be brought in politics and the situation will remain the same. Education expenditure is 2.7 per cent of the GDP. This education budget has been allocated by the politicians sitting in the parliament. One can easily understand the reason behind the low education budget.
Tags: newsShort URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=20637