Best affordable smartphones with great specifications – Part 1
Thursday, May 3rd, 2012 3:57:05 by Usman Khalid
In the current era of technology, where everything is getting slimmer and more efficient, the smartphone industry is running a hot streak. Hardware manufacturers like NVIDIA are throwing more and more cores into the processors and phone manufacturers like Samsung and HTC are making the final product thinner and thinner by the day.
However, competition in recent years has also skyrocketed, with more and more smartphones released every day. Fortunately, this race of the snagging the top position in the market has brought the prices of these devices in affordable range. Carriers sell these devices on even lower prices.
The likes of Google, Microsoft, and pioneer of the current technology, Apple are developing and upgrading their operating systems, while carriers are bringing faster and reliable data streaming networks to their subscribers.
This has brought a wide array of smartphones to the users’ choice that is not only affordable at the least but also dwells on faster networks with prompt connectivity to services like internet and voice call.
Following are some of the smartphones that fall in the range of affordable handsets, yet they boast high speed internet connectivity and other likable features. The following list is in no particular order and the prices are subject to change within a specific region.
Pantech Breakout (2011)
It was released in 2011 and for the price tag it carried and the time of its release when 4G LTE was in its nascent age, it was an astonishing package.
Dressed up with Android Gingerbread 2.3 with a custom user interface is a plus in this smartphone. Moreover, the handset is ready to roll on 4G LTE networks with blistering data speeds. The 1 GHz processor is the icing on the top while the 5-mega pixel camera with 720p quality video capturing capabilities garnish the beauty a notch up.
Tags: android, breakout, burst, exhibit, focus flash, lumia, Nokia, pantech, Samsung, Smartphones, windows phoneShort URL: