America continues to ignore Kashmir issue while claiming to be Human Rights Champions

Monday, June 4th, 2012 1:54:34 by

America continues to ignore Kashmir issue while claiming to be Human Rights Champions

Kasmir continues to bleed every second as the most power nation in the world, the United States of America, which also claims to be the champions when it comes to human rights, continues to turn a blind eye towards the ever so clear issue.

The easiest way to find a solution, which most likely everybody who has a logical mindset will be able to agree upon, is to have a very transparent referendum and do what the people of that region want.

Instead of Pakistan and India fighting over the issue, which will eventually lead to war yet again like it has done in the past, the UN, being the neutral and democratic they claim to be, should overlook this and do what the people of Kashmir want.

No, Pakistan should not be given Kashmir, nor should India unless the people of Kashmir want to join either sides that is. It is the simplest and most viable solution there is, but only if America can find some time out from bombing people through their ruthless drone attacks and invading every other countries to loot their natural resources.

The United States of America has definitely lost all credibility, not only amongst the people of the world, but also their own citizens as well. The US continues to implement cruel and self-centred policies that have no benefit of the people at all.

What have they been fighting for in Afghanistan during the past 10-plus years now? What have they achieved in Iraq after taking down Saddam Hussain? What have they given the people of Libya after sponsoring the rebellion forces against him and what are they looking to get at going up against Syria and Iran.

What does the US want in the tense Balochistan situation? Why has it come to the point that the US congress is debating over forcing Pakistan to separate from its biggest and most valuable province?

Where does the Kashmir issue stand? Have the people of that region no human rights and value in the eyes of money/power hungry US senators and congressmen? Why does not the issue of Palestine and Israel come into debate? Why, because the US has no personal benefit in these areas, something which continues to become clearer day-by-day.

It is heart breaking to see hundreds of Kasmiri’s and Palestinians be slaughtered each year at the hands of so called “Peace Keeping Forces”, while the issues of least international concern continue to be overindulged on by the Western media and two-faced Americans.

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Posted by on Jun 4 2012. Filed under Editorial, Opinion, Pakistan, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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