Five easy steps to stay safe: Do not play or get played in a professional environment – Part 2

Thursday, June 7th, 2012 5:33:35 by

Be truthful in your conduct. Never get ahead of yourself or claim something that is either not in your power or is difficult to pull off. The hierarchy does not follow you, you follow it for progress. Be honest to your subordinates and convey the simple and truthful message in situation where complaints are following.

The same goes with superiors. The more you be honest with your boss(s), the more you remain on the safe side. Never claim anything that you haven’t done or are not capable of, for it might land you in the pickle. In case of authority over your subordinates, never over exaggerate. If your boss asks you to convey a message to the subordinates that has the potential of opprobrium or hatred, more the same, be clear in stating your reservations on the decision made.


There is very little room for backtracking in the professional world, much less in the current economy where unemployment is soaring by the day. Take the course of action that is safe in the first place.

This will save you a lot of trouble. Do not over claim your authority. Never allow your peers the room to takeover your responsibility. This creates a bad impression of you in front of your employers.

However, if needs be, mull the decisions that are tricky to make. Never bail on the opportunity of making decision. Communicate the reservations to your employers and then make a decision that keeps everyone in the loop. This requires thinking and flexibility to make a decision.

Though you cannot keep everyone happy; it is virtually impossible and against social nature, you can come up with a decision that at least keeps one party happy and does not draw the ire of the other one.

Eyes Open

Always watch your tracks in the professional world. Most of the employers take amusement in bringing up a scandal; it can be of any sort. Always keep everybody in the loop on whatever you do in the work place or regard the work.

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